Database Startup Error: Fatal NI connect error 12547

If you see Fatal NI connect error 12547 error in alert log file of a Database in the middle of startup, and the database process couldn’t find DB PARAMETER FILE and CONTROL FILE, you have to check permissions,owner and group of these files: The permission of these files have to be 6751. The group of […]

IMPDP Errors: ORA-02374, ORA-12899

If the Character set of source and destination database are not equal, you will see below errors in the impdp log file: to solve this error, you have to restore the structure of tables first after that, you have to create a table and fill it with information about columns with have CHAR or VARCHAR […]

Grid Infrastructure & Oracle Database 12c – Preinstallation tasks

To install Oracle Grid Infrastructure & Oracle Database on Oracle Linux 7, you need to prepare your OS. To do so, you have to follow these commands: First of all, you have to install required packages in the OS: then, you have to edit /etc/hosts file and add the appropariate record as bellow: you may […]